Tuesday, January 3, 2006

Winston and Me

The dauntless warrior was an unabashed sentimentalist. Throughout his life, he kept a picture of his Nanny in his bedroom. In the corridors of Commons, he discussed Hitler's savagery to the Jews, with tears rolling down his cheeks. During the Battle of Britain, returned form a town where he had seen the shambles of a small house and shop, all the walls blown off by a Nazi bomb, he cried to his Cabinet, "We must do something about that, now!" (This led to the novel and notable War Damages Commission.) It was typical of Churchill that he could not bear the unfairness of letting workers or tradesmen suffer losses as individuals in a war in which the nation's survival was at stake. And again, his car passed a long queue of shopgirls shivering in London's winter twilight, with the sirens howling and frantic searchlights stabbing at the ominous skies, and he asked what on earth the girls were buying, lined up at a time like this. An aide said, "Birdseed." Winston wept.
Talking with someone this weekend about a project we are soon to undertake together I got all fired up. This is something I have been hoping our parish would undertake for over two years now.

Let's face it, even without "wait and see" circumstances having pent up my ideas and hopes for so long, I tend to get ... passionate shall we say ... about my enthusiasms. The person I was talking with mentioned someone I've never met but with whom I share the exact same name. He said, "She's a lot like you. But less emotional."


I knew what he meant. He's right. Tom told me that it is a good quality since I don't let it run rampant (isn't he just the best husband? and with a good sense of survival! ha!). At any rate, reading the above about someone I admire like Winston Churchill somehow made it all ok. That's how he was. And it's how I am.

Just look at what he accomplished. May I be allowed to accomplish even a small fraction as much for this project.

Note: I'm reading this book because The Anchoress said that she loves it. I can see why. I'm hooked. Highly recommended.

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