Saturday, July 8, 2006

My Itty Bitty Vacation

Tom and Rose are on the long awaited Father-Daughter trip (marking Rose's achievement of becoming 16). They are having a fabulous time in Chicago by all accounts. The art museum blew them away. They took more than 200 photos, talked to most of the guards by all accounts, and I can't tell you the number of times that Tom said, in awed tones, "World class, really world class!" The pizza crust at Uno's also blew them away (how did they get it so light and not bready but still substantial) while the sauce got lower grades. Today they are off for the boat architectural tour as well as other things not yet decided upon by last night.

Meanwhile, I am loafing. Just plain loafing. Begging off a meeting that was requested (which I never do), watching movies with Hannah (how could I have forgotten just how excellent All That Jazz is?), playing Shadows of Amnh for the umpteenth time (if anyone knows of a similar high quality D&D game that will play on the Mac cube puhleeze let me know!), knitting and listening to podcasts. Getting ready to take Hannah shopping for a few college essentials (doesn't everyone need a Hello Kitty body pillow for their dorm bed?). Reading fluff novels until midnight.

How does this differ from my regular routine you might ask? Well, I am not worrying about what to fix for dinner. Or sticking to any routine ... it probably is not all that different but let's just pretend shall we?

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