Thursday, January 8, 2009

Just How Much Does God Love You?

After reading an excerpt about God's divine thirst and love for us (from Mother Teresa's Secret Fire), Jane wrote a great post about coming to that realization herself. The money quote that I think we should all take and apply to our own lives.
... At some point, I started getting nudges that God loved me.

But not in that intellectual, “God loves me, all is good” kind of way, but rather, “I would run through fire to be with you. I wait by the phone hoping you’ll call. When the mail comes, I’m disappointed if there isn’t a letter from you. I stalk your Twitter account to see what you’ve been up to. When I’m at the grocery store, I see the Ritter Sport marzipans in the candy aisle and I buy a package to leave on your desk so you’ll find them in the morning.”
That is so perfect because it makes the immediateness of God in our lives so real, so tangible. (Except God leaves me Butterfingers or halvah.) Go read the entire post ... you may want to first read the excerpt linked above because she tells you to do that anyway ... and then go on to read her further meditations upon how we define and limit God. This is just where the book goes and I will be providing some further excerpts for that as well later on.

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