Tuesday, September 22, 2009

4th Pirates Movie Based on Tim Powers Novel

The Catholic blogosphere are big fans of sf author Tim Powers, who is one of our own (no, not a blogger, a Catholic). Looks as if we'll have hope that the next Pirates of the Caribbean movie might have a hope of being good. It's both named after and based on elements of Powers' book Stranger Tides.

This is confirmed here along with various other details, among which is the book synopsis.
The book follows the exploits of John “Jack Shandy” Chandagnac, who travels to the new world after the death of his puppeteer father to confront his uncle, who apparently has made off with the family inheritance. During the voyage, he gets to know a woman named Beth Hurwood and her father, an Oxford professor. Before they arrive, their ship is waylaid by pirates and, with the help of the professor and his assistant, the captain is killed and Chandagnac is forced to join the pirate crew. The reader discovers a sinister plot being concocted by the professor involving his dead wife, his living daughter and Blackbeard. Chandagnac, now known as “Jack Shandy”, must put a stop to these plans and save Beth Hurwood.
Jack Shandy, Jack Sparrow ... it all sounds like it would work.

Thanks to Scott from Rivets and Trees for that scoop!

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