Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Can We Get Enough of the Old Spice Man? I Think Not.

Though coming late to the party, I must thank Joi and Rose for pushing me to view more of this brilliant campaign that should stand as a lesson for those who want to fully take advantage of viral marketing.

Having the Old Spice man respond to internet comments about him is thoroughly enjoyable. Especially in this series, begun here, which carried on for several more responses to Alyssa.

See further responses to Alyssa: #2, #3,and #4.

Celebrities are not immune either as we can see from this response to Demi Moore.


  1. Isn't he just the best thing ever?? When those videos were being posted, I wasn't getting any work done, just sitting glued to the Old Spice sites, constantly refreshing. :)

    Monacle smile!!!!

  2. I wonder if we'd all be as gung-ho about these commercials if they were for Victoria's Secret and featured a topless woman instead of a topless man?

    We'd probably be hearing cries of immodesty from the very people lauding the Old Spice commercials today. But I guess when you're pandering to sexually frustrated women, as opposed to men, it's all good. An, interesting Double-Standard don't you think?

  3. Victor, Victor, Victor ... I guess you weren't around when Rick Lugari and I would have our "appreciation of God's goodness in creation" contests, eh?

    You may also have missed John C. Wright's celebrations of space princesses. "The space princesses must be half-clad (if you are a pessimist. The optimist sees the space princess as half-naked)."

    Certainly, you have missed the whimsey and light-heartedness of these commercials which my own husband chortles at in these ads (he is no sexually frustrated woman, let me assure you ... and you may read whatever lascivious undertones you wish into that statement, big boy.)

    I believe St. Paul also chimed in on this subject in Romans 14:2-3 : "One person believes that one may eat anything, while the weak person eats only vegetables.

    The one who eats must not despise the one who abstains, and the one who abstains must not pass judgment on the one who eats; for God has welcomed him."

    "Pandering to sexually frustrated women" is a judgment call which certainly may be thought to fall under "passing judgment on the one who eats." However, I will not say that is the case for certain as I do not know you and perhaps you are simply very awkward at stating your mind in a constructive and charitable fashion.

    Now, if there were a "bottomless man" then I would be decrying it. But when any Joe on my street can slog along mowing his lawn and greatly offending my eye by being shirtless and showing the results of how much extra beer is being drunk, then I believe I am equally allowed to appreciate a man who shows what God intended us to look like. I can appreciate beauty where ever God puts it before me.

  4. So you'd appreciate the "whimsy" of the commercials just as much if the dude was wearing a shirt? And pants?

    Methinks not. I'm also not 100% sure that you really want to be invoking St. Paul as a character reference on this particular point, though.

    And I appreciate John C. Wright's appreciation of Space Princesses just as much as anyone (in fact, I've posted my own recommendations on his blog, too), but at least they're wearing clothes (ProTip: a towel is not clothes).

    But anyway, you're more than free to rationalize it in any way which you like. I'm the last person to tell anyone how to live their life! I was merely pointing out the double standard here. But I suppose if you say that you're cool with topless women appearing in commercials on prime-time television, then I guess there is no double standard and I retract the comment.

  5. Victor, sorry to disappoint you, but yes I would find the ads just as amusing. After all, I find the "most interesting man in the world" to be just as interesting fully clothed as I would if he were wearing less. (More on him tomorrow.) As I said, it is all about the attitude in these commercials which takes me back to those of the 60's and 70's actually. Though I find your attitude to be troubling ... you certainly seem to be sure what I am thinking and I have heard that often means people are putting their own words in other's minds ...

    Anyway, I did not say I was cool with topless women. I am saying that there is no law or really anything wrong with topless men. You may want to reread my previous comment ... as I say, there are numerous topless men mowing their lawns in full view of God and everyone on any given weekend in my neighborhood. Don't know about your neighborhood. Perhaps they all go for the long-sleeved, hooded look there. In Texas ... not so much.

    I find it interesting though that you seem to have a problem with topless men in general since you are so unwilling to differentiate.

    And, I believe I will go ahead and quote St. Paul since he was talking about people who judge others based on perfectly harmless activities ... that they can't see are harmless. :-)

  6. Although it is normally my preference to do otherwise, I need to side with Julie on this one.

    His being shirtless is necessary for the joke to work. A) this is an ad for a product used when shirtless B) the point is that he is the "superior" version of "your man". The joke doesn't work if the guy looks like Seth Green and wearing a jumpsuit. The fact that he is shirtless in non-shower related environments is funny.

    There are plenty of ads with 1/2 naked men specifically made for women to ogle at. This campaign has more going for it.

    Okay, that's enough agreement for one day. I need to get back to explaining to Julie why she's wrong before I get rusty.
